Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Mark on Labor Issues, Part 1

Here are Mark's responses to several questions asked by a group of Florida labor unions...

1. What do you intend to contribute to the office you are seeking?

"First, you should endorse my candidacy because my Republican and Democratic opponents have been ineffective – if not opponents – in promoting union organizing efforts. State government has successfully fought off, often with spurious and inaccurate charges, previous efforts by AFSCME to unionize state employees; has made sure this is a "right to work state"; has weakened Davis-Bacon whenever possible; and has worked more closely with ABC than the AFL-CIO on matters related to the building trades.

Second, as a strong Democratic worker, as Chair of the Florida Democratic Party Disability Caucus, I am aware that unions have raised the wages of members as compared to non-unionized workers by an average of fifteen percent. Empirical studies have shown that productivity of union workers is much higher than non-unionized workers. Union workers have lower turnover rates which diminish the costs of recruitment and training to employers.

There is an opportunity to set up collaborative bargaining between management and union workers through your endorsement of my candidacy. If you endorse one of my opponents, you are endorsing the status quo of opposing unionizing efforts with public dollars."

2. We believe that all people deserve the following basic civil rights. Please check all that you support.

"Yes, the right to freely organize a union
Yes, the right to collectively bargain
Yes, the right to wages and benefits that improve the living standards of families
Yes, the right to full equality on the job
Yes, the right to a safe workplace and decent working conditions
Yes, the right to speak up and be heard, without fear of retaliation
Yes, the right to a pension and a healthy retirement
Yes, the right to strike when necessary"

3. Why should this organization endorse your candidacy?

"You should endorse my candidacy because I am a friend of labor. I am knowledgeable and supportive to issues important to labor such as health care, worker’s rights, pension protection, worker safety, collective bargaining rights, protecting Social Security and building the labor movement. I will fight to win. I have a plan to win. I know and understand this district. I am tested, experienced and committed. I am unbeholden, unbossed and unbought."

4. Are you now, or have you ever been a union member? If so, please state when, where and the union you were affiliated with.

"No, I have never had the opportunity to be a union member. However, if I have had the opportunity I would have joined because through the organized of many more can be achieved. My family has been involved with the United Rubber Workers in Akron, Ohio, as you know, URW are now members of the Chemical and Atomic Workers."

5. In your opinion, what is the greatest challenge facing working families in our state?

"The number one issue facing working families is having enough income to meet family needs such as housing, transportation, food, medicine and other necessities.

Relative to the State of Florida percent change in average personal income within the District have been falling further behind under the current Republican government. Not once, during the past four years that statistics are available has the District kept up with the average.

This is also reflected in the average wage per job. Just looking at Leon County, which is reflective of what is happening throughout the District, Leon County has slowly been losing ground compared to the state average despite the fact that we have one of the most educated work forces in the state.

The most important factor is to increase family income. This can be done through a stronger union presence working with the business community in a collaborative manner. I want to work with you and I bring the greatest opportunity for improvement in cooperation.

If you endorse my Republican opponents you are endorsing the status quo of falling further behind in personal income and average wages."

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